Monday, July 19, 2010

Principles of governance - comments for students Part 2 3E2

By: Haiqal Afiq and Indira Pranabudi (41)
1) Meritocracy
Meritocracy is the principle of working hard for reward and be rewarded for hard work. When the citizens are rewarded based on their own abilities & hard work. They will be encouraged to do well in society and thus contribute more for rewards.[SO WHAT? HOW DOES THIS BENEFIT SOCIETY?] This is brought about by giving Merit Bursary Schemes that reward the top 10% and 25% of students in schools and education institutes. Therefore, meritocracy helps to give everyone in society an equal opportunity to achieve his or her best and be rewarded for their performance, regardless of race, religion and backgrounds.[WHO WILL THEN WORK HARD? USE THE WORD “MOTIVATED”. HOW DOES THIS MAKE THE NATION MOVE FORWARD?] Hence, everyone would agree and work towards meritocracy, hence a success.

2) Leadership
Leadership is the courage to direct people towards success. Honest and capable leaders are needed to maintain stability in the govt. and to make the right choices for the country.[SO WHAT? ] The moral courage and integrity to do what is right and not what is popular with the people. When leaders lead with the thoughts of the people,[DO YOU MEAN ‘DO THINGS IN THE INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE?] the country will succeed as the people will support their leaders in doing what is right.[AND….THE DECISIONS MADE BY THE LEADERS WILL….]

3) Anticipate Change and Stay Relevant
In making decisions, the government needs to be forward-looking. Forward-looking means planning for or anticipating possible future events and conditions.[WHAT ABOUT “CHANGES”?] The government needs to be forward-looking to make sure that Singapore will not suffer in the future. This can be done by analyzing any future events that might be a problem for Singapore, and creating plans to minimize the effect of that particular problem.[YES!!!! BEAUTIFUL! WELL SAID!] NEWater is an example of how the government prepares water supply for Singapore in the future. Singapore is currently depending on Malaysia for its water supply, the contracts will end in 2011 and 2061. However, Singapore has managed to find an alternative in water supply, which is by producing NEWater. [SO WHAT?] Therefore, by being forward-looking, Singapore will meet success.

4) A Stake for Everyone, Opportunities for All
In managing the country, the government always tries to provide everyone an equal opportunity, and equal rights. This is important, as by providing every citizen equal rights, the citizens will slowly develop a sense of belonging in the country and nationalism.[PATRIOTISM?] For example in 2004, the government consulted the people on the issue of having a casino as part of an Integrated Resort. During feedback sessions, many people voiced their support and concerns about the government’s proposal. By voicing their personal opinions, they will develop a sense of belonging.[WHY? HOW COME?] Therefore, the government will receive more support[SO WHAT?] and will finally meet success.[BEFORE NATIONAL SUCCESS CAN BE ACHIEVED – THERE MUST BE PEACE AND STABILITY – FACTOR THAT INTO YOUR EXPLANATION.]
Vivien Oon said...
-A system that rewards hard work and talent. When people are rewarded based on their abilities and hard work, they are encouraged to do well. More people will be motivate to work harder to receive the reward.[SO WHAT? WHAT WILL THEY DO?] Also, they can contribute to the country.[WHY? HOW COME?] Example of the reward is the Edusave Scholarship and Merit Bursary. This is reward to students who perform exceptionally well in their studies and co-curricular activities. This opportunity give everyone in the society an equal opportunity to achieve their best and get reward for their good performance, regardless of race, religion and socio-economic background.[SO WHAT? WHY IS THIS SO IMPORTANT FOIR GOOD GOVERNMENT?]

- We need honest and capable leaders to maintain stability in the government and to make the right decisions for the country.
They must have moral courage and integrity to do what is right and not what is popular with the people. They must also not do everything that only benefit themselves but to benefit the nation, the country.[SO WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THEY DO THIS? HOW WILL SINGAPORE BENEFIT?] The law deals with leaders guilty of dishonest behavior. By making the right decisions, they[WHO?] improved the lives of Singaporeans and the economic[ECONOMY] of the Singapore. This ensures that Singaporeans have a stable country to live in.[WHAT ELSE DOES IT ENSURE?] Singapore needs good leadership not only in the government, but also in every segment of Singapore's society. For example, under Mr Liu Thai Ker, the former chairman of the National Arts Council (NAC) leadership, local talents ha [SO WHAT??HOW DOES THIS BENEFIT SINGAPORE?]
Events such as the Singapore Writers' Festival and the Singapore Arts Festival were organised to promote the appreciation and the arts in Singapore.[SO WHAT? HOW DOES THIS BENEFIT SINGAPORE?]

Anticipate Change and Stay Relevant
- The decisions made by the government need to be forward-looking. They need to make plans to prepare Singapore for the future. For instance, the NEWater. It ensures self-sufficiency in water supply. Presently, Singapore depends on Malaysia depends on Malaysia for its water supply. Its two water agreements with Malaysia will end in 2011 and 2061. However, Singapore has found alternatives water supplies in order to be self-sufficient by producing NEWater and desalinated water. The government communicated with the people to assure them that NEWater is safe for drinking through various channels such as schools, newspaper and the Internet.[SO WHAT? HOW IS THIS SHOWING THAT BY ANTICIPATING CHANGE AND STAYING RELEVANT IS BENEFICIAL TO SINGAPORE?] Second example is the Integrated Resorts (IR). Tourism has always been an important component of the Singapore's economy. However, in the recent years, the tourism sector faced competition with more countries in Asia developing major tourist attractions. To capture the growing market, Singapore needs to improve the tourist industry. In April 2005, the government decided to build two IRs at Marina Bay and Sentosa. This is to ensure that more visitors will come and visit Singapore. With more visitors, Singapore's economy will eventually grow.[YES OK. WHAT WILL HAPPEN WHEN THE ECONOMY GROWS? HOW WILL CITIZENS FINALLY BENEFIT?] Finally is taking risks.[REPHRASE] To be forward looking, Singapore has to be open to new ideas by coming up with creative and innovative ideas. Every Singaporean needs to upgrade their knowledge and skills to stay employable and contribute to the nation.[SO HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT SINGAPORE?]

A Stake for Everyone, Opportunities for All'
- Having a say in decision-making develops in people a greater sense of belonging to the country. More opportunities have been created to involve the people in decision-making. For example in 2004, the government consulted the people on the issue of having a casino as partly on an IR. During feedback sessions, many people voiced their support and concerns about the government's proposal. This will ensure that the public not to feel that their feelings have been neglected and not taken into consideration.[GOOD][THEN HOW WILL THIS MAKE THEM FEEL TOWARDS SINGAPORE? HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT SINGAPORE?] The government then considered the concerns raised and decided to go ahead with the setting up of a casino as part of an IR.[WHOA! DOES THIS SHOW THAT THE GOVERNMENT TOOK INTO CONSIDERATION THE CONCERNS OF THE PEOPLE? WHAT DID THE GOVERNMENT DO?] Policy decisions are made to serve the needs of the nation. [ “BETTER DECISIONS ARE MADE WITH THE PEOPLE’S FEEDBACK” – ADD THIS IN.]
These decisions may change to suit the needs of the people and the nation over time. However, they still need to be made based on the principles of governance.

By: Vivien Oon
Wei Ru
July 17, 2010 7:14 AM
Ying En (19) & Xue Qi (3) said...
What? : Rewarding the citizens for their hard work and talent.
Why? : When there is reward, the citizens will be encouraged and be motivated to work hard.[SO WHAT IF THEY WORK HARD? HOW WILL SINGAPOREE BENEFIT?]
How? : Through academic results. Eg. Scholarships.[SO WHAT IF THEY GET SCHOLARSHIPS?]
So what? : Singaporeans will think that they are treated fairly and equally. Thus, they will be satisfied and work towards meritocracy. Hence, a success.

What? : Having a capable and honest leader to maintain stability.[I DON’T THINK THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS ABOUT MAINTAINING STABILITY.]
Why? : Able to benefit the nation but not themselves and serve the country well.[HOW COME? HOW WILL THE DECISIONS OF THE GOVERNMENT BE BETTER?]
How? : Have moral courage and integrity to do what is right and not what is popular with the people.[SO WHAT? HOW DOES THIS BENEFIT THE NATION?]
So what? : Therefore, able to win the confidence and respect of the people and support their leaders as they make the right decision for the country.[SO WHAT?] Hence, a success.

Anticipate change and stay relevant:
What? : A leader who is forward-looking and able to accept[PREPARE FOR CHANGES] changes.
Why? : So that Singapore can improve and prepare for the worst. [SO WHAT IF THEY CAN DO THIS?]
How? : Accept changes and work towards to achieve it.[ ACHIEVE WHAT?] Eg. NEWater, which the government prepares water supply for Singapore in the future.
So what? : Thus, it will definitely be helpful for Singapore in future by being forward-looking.[WHY?] Hence, a success.

A stake for everyone, opportunities for all.
What? : Singaporeans have equal opportunities as they are able to voice out their support and concerns about the government’s proposal.
Why? : Singaporeans will feel valued by the nation and sense of belonging in Singapore.[AND SO THEY WILL….?]
How? : Through feedback sessions which provide opportunities for the people to involve in decision-making.[YES…SO WHAT SORT OF DECISIONS WILL BE MADE AND WHY?]
So what? : The government will improve[ IN DOING WHAT?] and serve the citizens better and the citizens will feel satisfied and support them.[OK Hence, a success.[WHO WHAT IS A SUCCESS? BE CLEAR!]

By: Xue Qi (3) & Ying En (19)

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