Wednesday, July 28, 2010

SEQ writing techniques I - How to do weighing

SEQ - How to do weighing.

Weighing requires:
1. Find a criterion to compare all factors.
2. Explain why based on the criterion 1 factor is superior to the other factors.

For example:
Here are 3 drinks:
1. Pokka Green Tea

2. 100 Plus
3. Coca Cola
Explain which of these 3 drinks is the best.
Questioin to chew on: Best in what way?

Here are 3 ways to control traffic flow:
1. VQS
2. ERP
3. Park and Ride
Explain which of these 3 method is the most effective way to control traffic flow.

Here are the steps to weigh well.
Step 1: Define the weighing word - how would you want to define "effective". This will be your criterion for comparison. In what way "effective"? All methods do reduce traffic flow right?

Step 2: Explain how your chosen factor is "effective" based on your definition and why the other 2 factors are not as "effective" based on your definition.

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