Sunday, September 26, 2010

Answers to Sep Holiday Homework - SBQ on population policy

Take note of the structure of the answers NOT just the answer itself.

Q1a. Study Source A
What is the cartoon trying to tell us? Explain your answer.

Look for 2 inferences in the format of IEE x 2. A few students gave a purpos level answer using MAO. This is not needed and you get marks only if you got the message within AMO correct.

Model answer
The cartoon is trying to tell us the Singaporean couples are afraid to have children. I say so so because I see in the cartoon, a couple unsure of whether they shoudl tick the 6th C = children and they look very worried. I know they are worried and fearful of ticking the 6th C because one of them is chewing on a pencil and this shows he is nervous. Both of them also have terrified looks on their faces as they look at the 6th C = children. This means that Singaporeans are fearful of taking the decision to have children.

The cartoon is also telling us that Singaporeans are interested in materialistic things. I say so because the 5Cs are all ticked and these items are all materialistic items such as Cash, Car and Condo. This means that Singaoporean have ticked these items indicating their interest in acquiring them. Hence, this cartoon is telling us that Singaporeans arer materialistic and keen in acquiring things which give them status in society.

Q1b. Study Source B
Why do you think the writer mafde this statement?
Note: This answer requires a purpose level structure. Follow the one below which is the same as the on ein your SBQ notes.

Model Answer
The writer made this statement to convince the Singapore government that the government's efforts to increase the population using monetary incentive is not going to motivate the Singaporeans to have children so that when the Singapore government understand this, the government will make changes to the government policies/improve the government policies to have more effective policies for population growth. I say so because....

Q1c. Study Source B and C.
How different are the 2 sources?
Model Answer [ comparison at content level for Similarity AND difference]

BOC: Source B and C differ in what they say about… whether having children is a boon or a bane/a negative or a positive experience for parents. …[ Basis of comparison- BOC]
Source B states that…having children are a burden and a negative experience [Inference from Source B]….I say so because in Source B it says that…’ Our hands are full running our own Web design company and looking after 2 babies. When I gave birth to my 2nd child, I was online with a client.”…. [Evidence from Source B] This means that the writer feels rather burdened with 2 children as she had to work and care for the children simultaneously. Overall, the tone is rather negative and unhappy.[Explanation from Source B] On the other hand, Source C states that having children is a joyous event and raising them are an out of this world experience/positive experience [Inference from Source C]….I say so because in Source C it says that “But we chose to look at it positively…..The pleasures of seeing them grow up - you can't put a price to that.”… [Evidence from Source C]…..This means that even though it is not easy bringing up children, there is a definite joy in doing so which is incomparable to anything else…..[Explanation from Source C]
Hence, source B and C differ in the view on… whether having children is a boon or a bane/a negative or a positive experience for parents. Basis of comparison]

BOC: Both Sources B and C are sharing whether it is an easy task to bring up children and both sources agree that there is a considerable amount of sacrifice required to do so……[ Basis of comparison ]

Source B states that parents have to work very hard in order to give their children a good life [Inference from Source B]….I say so because in Source B it says that……” both parents work to support a lifestyle that includes a car, holidays, and enrichment classes for children.” ….[Evidence from Source B] This means that…it is not easy bringing up children and a degree of hard work and sacrifice is needed from parents.[Explanation from Source B]

Similarly, Source C states that…parents have to scrimp and save and face a lack of money when bringing up children [Inference from source C] I say so because Source C states that…”“Bringing up five children is not without financial headaches and I need to watch every cent”..[Evidence from source C]This means that there is some financial strain on parents when they are bringing up children and a measure of sacrifice and suffering is experienced and it is not an easy task…[Explanation from source C] Hence source B and C are similar in the view on…whether it is easy to bring up children…[ Basis of comparison]

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