Sunday, September 26, 2010

Answers to Sep Holiday Homework - SBQ on population policy

Take note of the structure of the answers NOT just the answer itself.

Q1a. Study Source A
What is the cartoon trying to tell us? Explain your answer.

Look for 2 inferences in the format of IEE x 2. A few students gave a purpos level answer using MAO. This is not needed and you get marks only if you got the message within AMO correct.

Model answer
The cartoon is trying to tell us the Singaporean couples are afraid to have children. I say so so because I see in the cartoon, a couple unsure of whether they shoudl tick the 6th C = children and they look very worried. I know they are worried and fearful of ticking the 6th C because one of them is chewing on a pencil and this shows he is nervous. Both of them also have terrified looks on their faces as they look at the 6th C = children. This means that Singaporeans are fearful of taking the decision to have children.

The cartoon is also telling us that Singaporeans are interested in materialistic things. I say so because the 5Cs are all ticked and these items are all materialistic items such as Cash, Car and Condo. This means that Singaoporean have ticked these items indicating their interest in acquiring them. Hence, this cartoon is telling us that Singaporeans arer materialistic and keen in acquiring things which give them status in society.

Q1b. Study Source B
Why do you think the writer mafde this statement?
Note: This answer requires a purpose level structure. Follow the one below which is the same as the on ein your SBQ notes.

Model Answer
The writer made this statement to convince the Singapore government that the government's efforts to increase the population using monetary incentive is not going to motivate the Singaporeans to have children so that when the Singapore government understand this, the government will make changes to the government policies/improve the government policies to have more effective policies for population growth. I say so because....

Q1c. Study Source B and C.
How different are the 2 sources?
Model Answer [ comparison at content level for Similarity AND difference]

BOC: Source B and C differ in what they say about… whether having children is a boon or a bane/a negative or a positive experience for parents. …[ Basis of comparison- BOC]
Source B states that…having children are a burden and a negative experience [Inference from Source B]….I say so because in Source B it says that…’ Our hands are full running our own Web design company and looking after 2 babies. When I gave birth to my 2nd child, I was online with a client.”…. [Evidence from Source B] This means that the writer feels rather burdened with 2 children as she had to work and care for the children simultaneously. Overall, the tone is rather negative and unhappy.[Explanation from Source B] On the other hand, Source C states that having children is a joyous event and raising them are an out of this world experience/positive experience [Inference from Source C]….I say so because in Source C it says that “But we chose to look at it positively…..The pleasures of seeing them grow up - you can't put a price to that.”… [Evidence from Source C]…..This means that even though it is not easy bringing up children, there is a definite joy in doing so which is incomparable to anything else…..[Explanation from Source C]
Hence, source B and C differ in the view on… whether having children is a boon or a bane/a negative or a positive experience for parents. Basis of comparison]

BOC: Both Sources B and C are sharing whether it is an easy task to bring up children and both sources agree that there is a considerable amount of sacrifice required to do so……[ Basis of comparison ]

Source B states that parents have to work very hard in order to give their children a good life [Inference from Source B]….I say so because in Source B it says that……” both parents work to support a lifestyle that includes a car, holidays, and enrichment classes for children.” ….[Evidence from Source B] This means that…it is not easy bringing up children and a degree of hard work and sacrifice is needed from parents.[Explanation from Source B]

Similarly, Source C states that…parents have to scrimp and save and face a lack of money when bringing up children [Inference from source C] I say so because Source C states that…”“Bringing up five children is not without financial headaches and I need to watch every cent”..[Evidence from source C]This means that there is some financial strain on parents when they are bringing up children and a measure of sacrifice and suffering is experienced and it is not an easy task…[Explanation from source C] Hence source B and C are similar in the view on…whether it is easy to bring up children…[ Basis of comparison]

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Answers for LMS homework - NEA SBQ question on Compare and Contrast

The skill of Compare and Contrast - We use it everyday!
Issue: Is the government doing enough to revent the spreead of dengue fever in Singapore?

Source A: An article in Today Online on how the NEA can improve on its handing of the dengue problems in Singapore.
Public officials should also work on finding long-term solutions in tackling such mosquito-borne diseases. The National Environment Agency (NEA) should co-ordinate its efforts with other government bodies such as the Building & Construction Authority (BCA) and the Land Transport Authority (LTA). Have the NEA and BCA ever held a joint comprehensive review of the design and construction features of high-rise and low-rise buildings that contribute to mosquito breeding? The NEA identified roof gutters to be a major breeding ground for mosquitoes. Yet many older bus stops still have roof gutters. Why don't the NEA and LTA seal off these gutters? Surely this would have been a quick and inexpensive solution? The roof gutters of houses are often difficult to reach and few home owners bother to clean them. Could the relevant agencies introduce new laws that ban the use of gutters in houses?Perhaps the NEA should also consider introducing legislation to cover these areas as well: Rooftop water tanks, lift wells, basement water-sumps, as well as drains and basement car parks.

Source B: Extract of a newspaper report on how the NEA is dealing with the spread of dengue in Singapore.
"On the train there are 2 million commuters every day so the train is a very good medium for us to spread the dengue prevention message." Sadi Dalson Chung of the Environment Health Department of the NEA. On the ground, NEA has also increased its serach and destroy efforts to reduce the Aedes Mosquito carried out more than 170,000 inspections of the premises for breeding grounds, including parks and vacant lands. It is also working with the town councils, to flush out breeding grounds on roof tops and pump rooms.

Study sources A and B.
To what extent is Source A similar to Source B? Explain your answer.

Step 1.Identify the issue. Immediately know that there must be opposing views or similar views regarding the issue.

Step 2. Find the basis of comparison(BOC) for similarity.
"Both sources are sharing about Singapore's efforts in battling Dengue Fever."
"Both sources are sharing about where the Aedes Mosquitos are breeding."

Step 3. Determine the structure of answer to be:
BOC for similarity
Inference from source A
Evidence from source A
Explanation of evidence from Source A
Connector [ Similarly/Likewise]
Inference from source B
Evidence from source B
Explanation of evidence from Source B

BOC for difference
Inference from source A
Evidence from source A
Explanation of evidence from Source A
Connector [ On the other hand/However]
Inference from source B
Evidence from source B
Explanation of evidence from Source B

Step 4. Next determine if there is a chance for difference or similarity in purpose.

Answer for difference in purpose is based on the structure: AMO vs AMO

BOC for purpose
Determine Audience of Source A , Message of Source A and the Outcome on how the Audience will react to the Message.
Connector[ However]
Determine Audience of Source B , Message of Source B and the Outcome on how the Audience will react to the Message.

Model answer
The answer has 2 parts - 1 paragraph for similarity and 1 paragraph for difference since the question is "How similar..."

Paragraph 1 [ Similarity - BOC + IEE vs IEE ]
Source A and B are similar only to a small extent.
Both Source A and B are talking about where the NEA has identified to be the Aedes mosquito breeding areas. Source A states that the NEA has identified the breeding grounds of the Aedes Mosquito on the roof gutters of homes. I say so because Souurce A says, "The NEA identified roof gutters to be a major breeding ground for mosquitoes." This means that the NEA is aware of the source of mosquito breeding. Similarly, In source B, it says that the NEA has "carried out more than 170,000 inspection of the premises for breeding grounds, including parks and vacant lands.", This means that the NEA is sure where the mosquitos are breeding and so they have carried out checks on these areas. Hence, Source A and B are similar to some extent.

However, Source A and B differ in their opinion on whether the NEA has done enough to stop dengue Fever from spreading. Source A states that the NEA has not done enough whereas Source B states that the NEA is putting in a lot of effort. Source A says that, " Why don't the NEA and LTA seal off these gutters? Surely this would have been a quick and inexpensive solution? The roof gutters of houses are often difficult to reach and few home owners bother to clean them. Could the relevant agencies introduce new laws that ban the use of gutters in houses?" This means that the NEA is currently NOT working closely with other agencies to reduce the spread of the illness which is why Source A is asking for the NEA to take action to prevent mosquito breeding such as taking action to prevent breeding in roof gutters which apparently has not been done. On the other hand, Source B stateas that the NEA has done quite a lot to stop the illness from spreading. I say so because it is stated that the " NEA has also increased its serach and destroy efforts to reduce the Aedes Mosquito carried out more than 170,000 inspections. This means that the NEA has out in more effort to ensure that the Aedes Mosquito is eradicated and wiped out so that Dengue fever is controlled via it many thousands of inspections. Hence, Source A is saying that the NEA is not doing enough to control the spread of Dengue but Source B is saying that the NEa has put in quite a bit of effort to curtial the disease.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Announcement: What to study for the End of Year exams

Shhh....I'm studying. I want to ace my Social Studies just as Mr Lim says I can!
Chapters to focus on:
Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5

Specific topics
- C
overed this semester
  1. Solutions to manage an ageing population
  2. Serious consequences of an ageing population
  3. Serious consequences of a declining population
  4. Solutions to manage a declining population
  5. The most important principles of Governance
  6. Traffic Management solutions
  7. Ways to ensure that healthcare in Singapore is affordable 8. Causes of Sri Lanka crisis
- Covered last semester
8. Causes of Sri Lanka crisis
9. Consequences of Sri Lanka crisis
10. Causes of Northern Ireland conflict
11.Impact of Northern Ireland conflict
12. Methods used by Singapore to manage its diversity
13. Challenges faced in managing a multi-ethnic state.

Duration of paper: 1 hr 30 minutes
Structure of paper
(a) 4 SBQ questions [25 marks]
 Parts a to d
 Compulsory
 6 sources provided

Skills tested:
1. Inference
 Message level – 1EE x 2
 Purpose level – Audience – Message (IEE) – Outcome[ change in the audience’s behaviour after understanding the message]

NB: IEE = Inference + evidence + explanation of how evidence proves the inference

2. Reliability
 Cross referencing x 2 [1 or more sources support AND 1 or more sources refute]

3. Compare and contrast
 1 similarity and 1 difference [at message/content level – BOC + IEE vs IEE]
 Similarity or difference [at purpose level – AMO vs AMO]

NB: BOC = Basis of comparison/criteria for comparison

(b) 2 SEQ questions [Parts a and b] [25 marks]
 There will be 3 sets of questions given, do any 1 set [a and b]
 Write each SEQ in the following format of:
o Stand
o Define weighing word; identify issues and identify factors
o Write out the body paragraphs in the FEEL approach

 Factor [ Define factor ]
 Explain how factor addresses issue
 Example [Explain how examples address issue]
 Link back to issue

o Weighing paragraph

 Example:
o Set 1- 2a and 2b
o Set 2- 3a and 3b
o Set 3- 4a and 4b
Do any 1 of the above sets.

NB: If you do 3a, you must do 3b. You cannot do 3a and 4b.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Singapore healthcare - how we keep healthcare affordable.

Singapore uses the concept of :
  • Self-reliance [ Medisave and Medishield]
  • Government support [Medifund,Restructured hospitals,government subsidies and Means-testing]
  • Community support [ Working with community organisations]
To make sure that healthcare remains affordable. Parts of these approaches are linked to our 3M approach - Medisave, Medishield and Medifund. Want to know more about the 3M approach?
Click here :

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Homework 9: SEQ: What is the best way to ensure that healthcare is kept affordable in Singapore?

Please work in your pairs to discuss and answer in SEQ format the following question:

"The best way to ensure that healthcare in Singapore remains affordable is through self-reliance." How far do you agree? Explain.

Explain given factor
Explain other factor 1
Explain other factor 2

NB: Define "best way"

Read page 62 to 79 to help you.

Deadline: This Wed 22nd September 9pm.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

SBQ - Understanding and answering challenging questions

There are many different ways of asking SBQ questions. We discussed the variation of some of these questions:

1. Study Sources A and C.
Sources A and B have different points of view. Does this make one source more believable than the other? Explain.

2. Study Sources A and B.
Does Source B's agreement with Source A's viewpoint mean that Source A is correct? Explain.

3. Are you surprised by what Source A says about...[Issue]......? Explain.

How would you answer the above questions?
We used the everyday example of a men's colonge to understand what the above questions expect us to do and what are the SBQ skills to be applied.

Issue: Does the use of Davidoff Adventure Cologne make users feel and behave in a more adventurous manner?

Background knowledge
Davidoff Adventure is a Cologne for men. The perfume's tagline is " The thrill of the unknown". According to the company, users of the perfume will experience the following after use, " ...the excitement of going to a distant place you’ve never seen before to grasp a taste for exoticism and feel a rush of emotion you've never felt. With Adventure, you will find your challenge, find your limits, and push beyond them, go your own way, wherever that might take you." Davidoff describes its product as "daring" and "inspired by the world's great wildernesses and raw, masculine emotion".Should we believe what Davidoff perfume company says about its product and the effects it will have on people who use it? Read on to find out.

Source A This is an advertisement by Davidoff men's cologne

Source B Nixon, who recently used Davidoff cologne
Yes, after I used the perfume I certainly felt different. I am now more adventerous, daring and manly.

Source C Vivien's opinion on Davidoff cologne
I do not think Davidoff cologne causes any personality change in anyone. My brother bought a bottle and has been using it. The perfume smells fine and he does smell better of late. Yesterday, he saw a cockroach that day and ran out of the kitchen screaming for me. I had to help him get rid of it and I don't use the perfume myself.

Source D Psychologist , Dr Aw Tia Jing Thomas' opinion on Davidoff
I did some studies with 100 men - getting them to use the perfume and then to ask them to record any changes in their behaviour after 30 days. Majority of the men did not report any change in their personality at all.

Source E Marcus, a Singaporean male
I expected to begin growing a beard quickly once I splashed Davidoff onto my face. I mean I want to look like Ewan McGregor. He's my idol and I have always dreamt of being as macho as him. No, I don't have a licence to ride a motorcycle yet but so what? Anyway, I didn't manage to look rugged. It's all quite disappointing - the bottle of Davidoff cost me almost $60!

How to approach the answering of Q1 to 3. [ Please note that these are NOT the full and complete answers and are merely pointing the direction of how you can answer these questions]
1. Type of SBQ skill: Reliability testing
Cross reference Source A with other sources that agree with it.
Cross reference source C with other sources that agree with it.
The source which has more sources supporting it is more believable.
Clearly more sources support Source C then Source A. Hence, we can say that Source C is more believable.

2. Type of SBQ skill: Reliability testing
Cross reference B with A to see if B supports A, If yes - Source A is more likely to be correct.
BUT cross reference other sources like Source C with A. Since Source C refutes Source A, then Source A is less correct. Compare also Source D with Source A. Since Source D refutes Source A, we can say that overall, more sources refute B. Hence, even if B supports A, we cannot say that Source A is correct.

3. Type of SBQ skill: Reliability testing
Use cross-referencing to state whether you are surprised or not. You would be more surprised if only a few sources support Source A. You would be less surprised if more sources supported Source A.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Today's lesson - solutions for an ageing population

What we revised
1. "Managed an ageing population" = Effectively address/reduce the negative impact of an ageing population
2. We also learnt that an ageing population leads to 4 negative consequences:
- Loss of competitiveness
- Increased expenditure on healthcare and nursing care at the national level
- Increased strain on the working population
- A weakened Defence Force

3. Hence, in a question like:
"The best way to manage an ageing population is through community support." How far do you agree? Explain your answer.

You job is to explain how each factor:
- Helps address/reduce the negative impact of an ageing population
- by lessening or removing the negative impact.

The factors we have explained so far are:
1.Family Support
2.Community Support
3. Individual Responsibility through leading a healthy lifestyle.

Remember to:
1. READ YOUR NOTES on the same day you are taught!

Next Lesson:
1. Last factor: Government support - Read up your textbook ( Last page of chpt 2)
2.  Individual Responsibility through personal financial planning.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

A posting for Wei Shan to ask questions

Dear Weishan,
As mentioned to you today, simply post your questions under comments and I will get an email in my email box and I will post the answer to the question in response.

I have include "Wei Shan" under labels so that it is easy for you to find this posting. :-)

Homework 8: Holiday SBQ assignment in LMS

You will find this assignment in LMS as well.

Instead of the N Level paper, I decided to instead upload the Pei Hwa class test which I had set last year for the Sec 4 batch of pupils.
Here is the paper

Source-based Case Study
Study the sources carefully, and then answer all the questions.You may use any of the sources to help you answer the questions, in addition to those sources which you are told to use. In answering the questions, you should use your knowledge of the topic to help you interpret and evaluate the sources.

1a. Study Source A.
What is the cartoon trying to tell us? Explain your answer. [5]

1b. Study Source B
Why do you think the writer made this statement? [6]

1c. Study Sources B & C.
How different are these 2 sources? [7]

1d. Study Source D
How reliable is source D as evidence to show the success level of Singapore’s efforts to boost its population growth? [7]

Issue: Addressing Singapore’s declining birth rate.


After 15 years of low population growth, Singapore has finally begun taking steps in the last decade or so to try and solve the problem. Yet many are still unsure whether these solutions would work. One of the steps introduced in April 2001 was the Baby Bonus Scheme. The Baby Bonus Scheme was enhanced in August 2004 and gives support to parents’ decision to have more children by helping to lighten the financial costs of raising children. However, many feel skeptical that such a move will help to increase the Singapore population. Some think that it is the mindset of couples that needs to be changed.

Source A

A cartoon drawn by Straits Times cartoonist MIEL published in the Straits Times in 2004.

Source B
The view of Ms May Tan, a Singaporean mother published on the 15th July 2008 in the Straits Times.
“No official sweetener can sway my husband and I to have more children. Our hands are full running our own Web design company and looking after 2 babies. When I gave birth to my 2nd child, I was online with a client. That was the year the Government handed out its baby bonus, tax reliefs and longer maternity leave. I do not agree that the baby bonus is the reason for parents to have more children. It’s the rat race culture here that is causing low fertility rate in Singapore. If we were living in New Zealand, it's likely that one of us would stay home with the kids, as people there are less focused on career. In Singapore, both parents work to support a lifestyle that includes a car, holidays, and enrichment classes for children.”

Source C
The view of Mrs Jill Tan, who has 5 children, published in The Straits Times 15th July 2008.
“Bringing up five children is not without financial headaches and I need to watch every cent. To save money, we downgraded from a seven-seater multi-purpose vehicle to a smaller Nissan Sunny. The family had to forgo luxuries like long-distance travel in favour of short breaks in Malaysia. The older children have given up their music lessons and other costly enrichment classes. But we chose to look at it positively. Even if the children should be deprived of anything now, they can be compensated in adult life when they start working. The pleasures of seeing them grow up - you can't put a price to that.”

Source D
Dr Paul Cheung, Singapore’s chief family planning statistician, gives his views in a Straits Times article published in September 2008
“Childlessness by choice is a world-wide symptom of most developed countries. What we are doing may be too little and too late. The government's Baby Bonus will not make a decisive difference for better-educated parents. For those with two children, the subsidy works out to $2 per child per day over a six-year period - at the end of which, a parent's duty is by no means done yet. The government is ‘barking up the wrong tree’ by offering money. Only the lower socio-economic group will jump on the breeding band-wagon to get a few more dollars from the baby bonus.”