Saturday, August 28, 2010

Common Test - Feedback and results

Feedback  Q1. SBQ- Compare and Contrast
1. Similarity or difference in purpose was attempted but the correct structure was not followed.
2. About 3 pupils did not use the connecting words "however" for difference and "similarly" for similarity.
3. Some of you lost marks because your explanation of the evidence was incomplete.
4. A number of you forgot ( maybe about 8 pupils) to add in a Basis of Comparison ( BOC) before doing your comparison. I am glad to say the majority did so which is very good.
5. Some of you did not complete your answer due to the lack of time. 

NB: More comments will be posted together with sample answers

Q2. SEQ on Impact of a declining population
1. Spelling
Extent NOT Extend

2. Factor 1: Inability to attract MNCs.
Areas for improvement
Key phrases for good explanation
Lack of manpower/Insufficient younger qualified workers to fill positions
Unable to carry out or continue business operations

Majority could explain that:
MNCs would not remain or come to Singapore
Singaporeans would not have enough jobs and lose their jobs
unemployment will rise
loss of income
Singaporeans will become poor
quality if life negatively affected
economy declines

NB: While the question asked about "attracting MNCs" and some of you focused on MNCs leaving Singapore, I accepted the explanations if they were full and complete because "attracting MNCs" includes retaining those MNCs who are already in Singapore. However, it is always good to give an answer that directly addresses the issue which is this case is "attracting MNCs" = getting new MNCs to set up business operations in Singapore.

Overall grade given for the 10 of you who attempted this question was 5 marks for the Given factor. One of you only got 4 marks because there were missing explanation points.

3,. Begin new paragraph with the phrase
" Another impact of a declining population is.........[ factor ]..."

4. Factor 2 - Ageing population
Key phrases needed to score:
National level impact
Less taxes collected since fewer working people
Less funds/resources available by government to meet citizens' needs in other areas like education, housing and defence.
For example - less money for education, quality of education decreases for young Singaporeans - Singaporeans become less likely to be hired for a job - loss of income - Singapore become uncompetitive

NB: Just because the population falls, it may not always mean that the government will increase the tax rate to collect more tax per person to make up the fall in taxes though this could be done.
Family level impact
Financial strain on working people as there are fewer economically productive people supporter a larger group of dependent elderly people.

Best Results for Q2 SEQ - Impact of Declining population
15 Rebecca Lim 9/10
10 Koh Wei Ru 10/10
26 Emillio 10/10

Most frequently achieved grade was 8/10

Q3. SEQ - measures to increase the population

1. Most of you gave a definition for pro-family measures and stated before explaining the examples such as "extended maternity leave" that these were forms of pro-family measures. [ Excellent!!]

2. However, about 8 pupils did not properly define pro-family measures and a smaller handful also did not use the words "For example" or "such as" before introducing examples of pro-family measures. You need to do this to make sure that your factor is clearly about pro-family measures and not just a mixed-bag of examples.

Best scores for this question:
Perfect scores 10/10
Jermaine Tan 10/10
Foo Jia Yuan 10/10
Joey Ling 10/10
Josephine Khoo 10/10

Yvonne Koh 9/10
Chloe Chee 9/10
Chua Boon Kuan 9/10
Nixon Sng 9/10
Indira 9/10
Aw Jia Teng 9/10
Lim Chong Wee 9/10
Ong Yan Ting 9/10
Tan Li Xue 9/10
Vivien Oon 9/10
Hillary Wong 9/10
Toh Ying En 9/10
Eng Xue Qi 9/10

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